Bible Mission Trip to Egypt

Author: Marcus Choy, Participant, Bible Mission Trip to Egypt, 20–28 Aug 2018
“What does it mean to labour in the Bible Mission?” This was the question I asked myself as I landed at Cairo International Airport. It was not only my first time visiting the Middle East, but also my first mission trip with The Bible Society of Singapore. I was excited to see the land of Egypt with my own eyes, and experience the culture of the people there—both their cries and their joy.
My team and I headed down south to the countryside Assuyt to be part of the event organised by the Bible Society of Egypt called “In His Image”. More than 20,000 families with children and youths came together for the four-day event filled with programmes like Bible quizzes, talent shows and musicals. The excitement from the kids was very contagious, and their enthusiasm got the entire Singapore team pumped up.
As we distributed portions of Scripture to these people, what went through my mind was the hardship many of them had gone through just to possess God’s Word. From translation and printing to the raising of funds, it was a long and tedious process, concluding as the portion of Scripture landed in a pair of grateful hands. The sense of deep gratitude that I felt from the Egyptian children transcended our language barriers. It was as if Heaven rejoiced alongside us.
We also taught them Christian songs in English and crafts that reminded them of a Bible story or character. That unadulterated elation was an inspiring portrayal of their God-pleasing innocence to me. These people face danger every single day of their lives, and yet a little song was able to lift their spirits high to worship God. Every moment in that little town was a food-for-thought moment for me, especially growing up in Singapore where we might take things like clean water for granted.
My experience was a thought-provoking and life-changing one. It opened my eyes to see the urgent needs of people who hunger for God’s Word and the weight of the Great Commission in God’s eyes.