Biblical Studies Programme

The Biblical Studies Programme offers participants an in-depth study of God’s Word, focusing on specific books of the Bible each term and encouraging active study. The course emphasises knowledge of Scripture and developing skills to help live it out in a practical way.
Term 1, Unit 8: Acts of the Apostles (5 Jan – 1 Mar 2016)
The book of Acts provides the historical basis for a large part of the New Testament. Emphasis is placed on the study of the growth of the early church and Paul’s three missionary journeys, as well as the Council of Jerusalem. His subsequent arrest in Jerusalem, various defences he made (before the Sanhedrin, Felix, Festus and Agrippa), voyage to Rome (including his shipwreck) are also covered.
Term 2, Unit 13: Revelation (22 Mar – 17 May 2016)
The book is an important revelation about our Lord Jesus Christ (1:1). The book is read and studied as it is written, as there are serious warnings about additions and subtractions (22:18-19). Focus is on what the Bible says rather than the theories of scholars. The time line given in Revelation is carefully noted. Events on earth are chronological. Events in heaven provide important background to the events on earth. The vision of our Lord Jesus in chapter 1 underlies the letters to the seven churches (chapters 2-3). The vision of the throne in heaven and the Lamb taking the scroll are important preludes to the seven seals, seven trumpets and seven bowls.
Term 3, Unit 10: 1 & 2 Corinthians (28 Jun – 23 Aug 2016)
In the study of 1 Corinthians, emphasis is placed on the study of Paul’s rebuke of scandals in the Corinthian church (divisions, tolerated sin, lawsuits) and his answers to questions raised (marriage, food offered to idols, veiling of women in worship, the Lord’s supper, spiritual gifts and resurrection of the body). In the study of 2 Corinthians, the apostle’s ministry, giving, and the defence of the apostle’s ministry are covered.
Term 4, Unit 7: Life of Christ (13 Sep – 8 Nov 2016)
This course covers the four gospels, with special emphasis on the gospel of Luke. For the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) the student is directed to the unique passages in these gospels (passages that occur only in that gospel and not the other two). For John’s Gospel, major themes are studied.