Pray with Us — JULY 2024


Please pray for the ‘Bibles for Millions’ project, which is distributing affordable and free Bibles to Christians in China. Please continue to pray for a strong and close relationship between the authorities and the United Bible Societies. Pray for a continuing supply of Bibles to seekers and Christians, and that they will read, understand, be nurtured, and transformed by the Word.


As we celebrated the Bible Mission Banquet on 5th July, we are deeply grateful for God's faithfulness. We pray that God will continue to use the Bible Society to fulfill His divine purpose, ensuring His Word reaches every corner of the world. May we bear abundant fruit for His kingdom, transforming lives through the power of the Scriptures. Let our hearts be continually inspired to advance this mission, bringing light and hope to many. May God bless our efforts and use us as instruments of His grace and truth.


Pray for the Bangladesh Bible Society’s literacy project as they foster the early stages of learning for pre-primary children living in rural areas, preparing them for primary school. Pray for the facilitators leading the classes, asking for God's wisdom to be upon them as they teach the children. Pray for more support for the programme and for more classes to become available to children who are waiting to be admitted.